Watching the launch of the iphone live via, cutting edge technology news delivered like a 70's teleprinter, neat
ooooh yes I would like one please, battery life notwithstanding this really does look like it can do the business. There should be a vibrant industry in after market cases to protect that screen. My Sony 910i looks like its been attacked with sandpaper, simply by resting in my pocket (and bottom of bag, floor and bar top etc)
The functions have all the wow factor a non-tecchie like me dribbles over = screen automatically rotating throu' 90' as the phone twisted, Google earth pin pointing, mobile email that works with the address book, web and diary in sync.
and its small
and shiny
and the menus are OX
Full show and tell HERE
Steve Jobs presentation from today HERE
Great footage of the phone in action on a CBS news bulletin HERE