What seems like ages ago i wrote a bunch of scripts for a new range of household cleaners. I don't do that much TV work so its quite a treat that after rather drawn out BACC approvals suddenly the time is upon us to shoot one. We have just done the final location reccie and Thursday is shoot day. The best bit of being a 'Consultant' to a number of brands is that life is really very varied right now. Tricky for a job title but good for the soul.
I am very nervous about Thursday. There is a lot to consider. Its a premium brand that needs the right 'feel' One of the investors is a celebratory chef and the script we are shooting is written around his wife. We are shooting on location in his new house that he only moved into 10 days ago (the builders are very much still in residence) what else? oh yeah, two of the cast are children, still the catering should be good.